
Duinocoin version 3.2 released

Duinocoin version 3.2 released

Raspberry Pi 'Mining-LED' and Username/Mining-Key-Check

Translations: DE, SV

Nearly two months after version 3.18, the developers around Robert Piotrowski (revoxhere) have finished the Duinocoin miner version 3.2.

Version 3.2 of the Duinocoin software brings some small fixes. On the Raspberry Pi, the LED now flashes on demand to indicate successful mining. At the first start the miner software checks from version 3.2 if wallet and minig key are correct.

Duinocoin Mining with ESP8266

Duinocoin Mining with ESP8266

Without PC: How to mine Duinocoin (DUCO) on an ESP8266 (ESP-01 & ESP-01s)

Translations: DE, SV

The Duinocoin (DUCO) can be mined not only on the Arduino UNO, but also on various Espressif ESP8266 boards. Thanks to integrated WLAN, the boards only need a power supply and access to a WiFi AccessPoint, but no PC as a bridge computer.

Probably the cheapest way to mine Duinocoin (DOCU) is with an ESP8266-based microcontroller. Once programmed, an ESP8266 only needs a 3.3V power supply thanks to integrated WLAN - and it works.

Duinocoin Mining with Arduino UNO/Nano

Duinocoin Mining with Arduino UNO/Nano

It's easy: Getting started with Duinocoin (DUCO) using an Arduino UNO/Nano

Translations: DE, SV

The Duinocoin (DUCO) was originally developed for the Arduino UNO. Therefore, mining with the Arduino UNO is the ideal introduction to DUCO mining with microcontrollers..

In addition to an Arduino UNO or Nano, a PC, a notebook or a Raspberry Pi (for the Arduino development environment (IDE) and as a communication computer) is sufficient to get started with DUCO mining.

Duinocoin Mining on PC/Multithreaded (

Duinocoin Mining on PC/Multithreaded (

Full power: DUCO mining with multiple CPU cores on the PC

Translations: DE, SV

As in the early Bitcoin days, the CPU of a PC can be used to mine the Duinocoin. The official looks fancy and uses multiple CPU cores if desired.

As with the minimal PC miner (, the "big" PC miner only requires Python3. However, installs a lot of additional Python libraries - especially for a colourful status output.

Duinocoin Mining with the PC/Notebook (

Duinocoin Mining with the PC/Notebook (

It couldn't be easier: DUCO-Mining with PC and Python3 only

Translations: DE, SV

Those who only have a PC available and don't want to install anything can still mine Duinocoin (DUCO): with the "".

No microcontroller, no Arduino IDE, no installation of any software. If you have a computer system with a Python3 interpreter, you can start mining DUCO right away with a single command line.

Duinocoin mining in the browser (JavaScript: TV, smartphone, etc.)

Duinocoin mining in the browser (JavaScript: TV, smartphone, etc.)

When there is no other way: DUCO mining in the browser

Translations: DE, SV

No microcontroller, no PC, no Raspberry Pi, no installation: just with a JavaScript-enabled web browser you can already mine Duinocoin (DUCO).

If you don't have the possibility to install Python3 and don't own or want to buy a microcontroller, you can still mine Duinocoin (DUCO). All you need is JavaScript in a web browser.

Duinocoin version 3.18 released

Duinocoin version 3.18 released

The new version brings higher hash performance and MQTT support for ESP8266

Translations: DE, SV

Round three and a half months after the major release 3.0, Robert Piotrowski (revoxhere) and his development team have completed version 3.18 of the Duinocoin miner.

Version 3.18 of the Duinocoin software is said to increase the hashrate on ESP8266 boards by up to 10%. An ESP32 memory leak was fixed, plus there are many small improvements like the possibility to switch off flashing LEDs.

GNU/Linux: Error message 'error opening serial port', 'avrdude: ser_open(): can`t open device <port>', 'permission denied'

GNU/Linux: Error message 'error opening serial port', 'avrdude: ser_open(): can`t open device <port>', 'permission denied'

What to do if you can't get access to the serial port/USB under GNU/Linux?

Translations: DE, SV

If the access rights to device files (serial ports, USB) are not set appropriately under GNU/Linux, the user can neither program a microcontroller nor use the mining software ''.

If you want to program an Arduino UNO with the Arduino IDE for the first time, you will almost always run into the problem under GNU/Linux that the IDE does not have access to the serial port (i.e. USB) and thus cannot find the microcontroller. The solution: Correct group membership (and not release device files for all/everyone as often described!).

Installing Python3 on the GNU/Linux PC

Installing Python3 on the GNU/Linux PC

Is Python installed on my PC? If so, what version is it?

Translations: DE, SV

A lot of modern software - like mining software for the Duinocoin - requires Python on the PC. Most of the time Python is preinstalled in the current version 3 - it is better to check that.

In rare cases, the Python interpreter gives error messages when starting the mining software on the PC. To exclude these errors, you have to check which Python version is installed and possibly update to a current version 3.7 or newer.

Arduino IDE - first steps after installation

Arduino IDE - first steps after installation

How to set up the Arduino IDE and update all libraries

Translations: DE, SV

The default settings of the Arduino IDE are not optimal and do not adhere to system defaults under GNU/Linux, for example. A few adjustments make it easier to work with the development environment.

The Arduino IDE is quickly installed and can be used even better in "portable mode". Before you start, however, some settings should be optimised.